Monday, September 3, 2007

Training Continues...

First of all, thank you all so much for all the messages! They are so encouraging and definitely great to hear!

Training last week went well, Wednesday and Thursday we were in Kampala to listen to speakers from 'The Hunger Project', which is an international organization started in New York in 1977 and began in Uganda in 1999. It has been doing some really great things here in Uganda like community gardens, womens groups selling baskets, mats and fabrics for side income generating projects. It gave me some good ideas for things that I could help out with and how to go about secondary projects when I get to my site.

Friday we had an assessment, and I actually thought language was part of it, but thankfully it was not and we only discussed any concerns I had about training. So far, I have been impressed with the Pre-Service Training (PST). I love all of our trainers and the only concern I had was with myself and learning the language in the short amount of time that we have. My language teacher Rachel was very supportive and encouraging to me and told me that I am doing well, I just need to be more confident when I speak.

On Saturday, we had a cooking session with our language groups. Rachel taught us how to cook some Ugandan dishes and we taught her some American ones (or Mexican!) . It was such a relaxing day and so yummy! She taught us how to make matooke and bamboo shoots...very interesting but not something I plan on making when I am at my site. We made chicken/cheese quesadillas and killed the chicken ourselves!! (holy cow) Only once I got over the killing of the chicken could I actually enjoy my quesadilla and it was delicious! It reminded me of Momma's! We also made banana bread for her too. Its really strange how there is such an abundance of bananas here but Rachel had never heard of it. We made the bread like a cake in a dutch oven and she loved it, she plans on making it for her four boys!

There are lots of very delicious/interesting fruits here too. Right now pineapples are in season and fresh cut pineapple is sooo good! They also have passion fruit, which you cut open and scoop out the insides. Some people eat the seeds but most people make it into a juice. It is also very tasty! Jackfruit is another fruit that I tried the other day for the first time. Im not really a fan. The texture is oyster-like and it is very sticky. It wasnt awful, but not that great least I tried it!

So besides training and being busy with my homestay family, I do have somewhat of a life with my fellow trainees. We started a 'journal club' and meet once a week at the local bar. Its a great time! We all hung out on friday night and drank a beverage of choice. Let me just say that they dont have a very good variety of beer, but its beer. Its a time where we can relax away from training and take a break from it. We need that at least once a week!! (And the name of one of the beer is called "Nile Special"... funny name!)

I just made the connection the other day that it is September, and for the first time in my life that I can remember, I am not going to classes. Its really weird, and I am almost jealous of you guys that are. I hope you all are enjoying your last few days before classes start and things are well with everyone!! I miss you!


Unknown said...

OH my goodness. i can't believe you killed a chicken. good for you. thats really cool you are learning how to make lots of new food it sounds like a blast! i hope all is going well. it seems like it is. talk to ya soon!!

Aunt Kathy said...

Hi hon, sorry I've not responded sooner but will try to be better. Enjoying reading your blogs but of course hear news from Momma and others as to what you've been up killing chickens..eweee LOL JK...will email from time to time to but know you are real quick...Justice was here this weekend and he's starting to take a few steps!!!! And he did it several times the chasing will begin soon!!! Luv you xoxo Take care sweetie

Aunt Janie said...

Hi Nicole,
Great to read your weekly blog...keep the news coming. It is fun to read about all the new things you are learning and doing (killing chickens!! Hugs and kisses...xoxox Aunt Janie

Liz Rocker said...

Hi Nicole! It is great that you keep us in touch with everything- and you are definately a bigger woman than I will ever be with killing the chicken!!!!

I agree with you about school- this is the first fall I'm not attending classes, and it is driving me crazy. I am starting to look into getting my Masters!

Well- stay safe and learn lots! Look forward to hearing from you soon. :)

John Malzewski said...

Did you say something about a dutch oven? Nice to hear you are having a good time. We all miss you, and be sure to remember Steve and My warnings

sharon & don senecal said...

Hi Nicole:
I think I've managed to break the code on BLOGS in general. That said what comes to mind is a question. When you kill a chicken for dinner and then say holy cow is that considered a double pun? You sound in good form. Keep the information stream coming. I'll print it off and mail it to your Grand mother. I always liked bananas fresh off the tree.
Take good care,

Grandma said...
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Grandma said...

Hi It was great talking to you Sunday. Hope your aches are lessening from "little" mishap. Hard to believe You killed a chicken. Glad you can teach your tainers some new tricks on cooking.
I found out why you haven't gotten any of my mail-didn't have the all the nos. of the PO box. Have it now and hopefully my letters will reach you. None of it has been returned to me however. Love xoxo

anut patty ;) said...

Hi sweetie... Glad you got to talk to Mom & Nana the other day!! That call was $2.10!!! I guess my place will become "Phone Call Central to Luweero" (sp) !!! Just wanted you to know I check on you here everyday...I like to read all the comments too. We'll talk again soon. Should we do every other week?? Or do you want to hear from us more often than that?? Gotta get your Poppa and the rest of the family over here...Love you...xoxoxo

Lindsay said...

Hi Nicole!
Sounds like you are having a great time and an awesome experience! Glad to hear that you are okay after the little bus accident. I'm back in school now for my last semester of classes. Only 2 more clinicals after this and then I finally graduate and can get a real job (YEAH!!!!) I chopped my hair and donated it to Locks of Love. I've always wanted to do that so I finally went for it. My little way right now of giving to someone less fortunate than myself, which seems so small compared to what you will soon be doing. I am so proud of you and know that you will make huge differences in many lives. Stay safe, have fun, and know that everyone here loves you! Miss and love ya! --Lindsay

Jenn said...

Hi there! First of all I am sooo proud of you, this is a once in a life time experience you will have forever..And yes my boy id walking not just taking steps anymore like Mom said but actually walking..hoping to get some video to send on a disk so you can see..Glad the food isnt to horrible and I was wondering do the natives wear clothes or will you be working with a nudie tribe he he Have fun make the most of it!! We love you and your in my thoughts xoxoxo Jenn Hodge and Justice

Tricia said...

My lover,
or should i say chicken murderer?!? ;) I'm glad things are still going well. I'm starting to get things organized for dance ensemble and I'm not so happy that you won't be here to laugh the whole time. Gossip/stretching time won't be the same w.out you. Aaaand I'm pretty sure I won't have anyone to basically punch in the face while dancing ;) Your mama and I are now e-mail buddies! She sent me a happy first day of school e-mail and let me tell you it made my day!!!
I miss you mucho!!! take care of yourself babe!!

Wampsville Family said...

Nicole, we miss you and your energy!! I (Beth) have been sharing your BLOG with the staff as well as the consumers. We are all so PROUD of you and are so happy for the people you will be blessing. We know first hand how big your heart is and how caring you are. Their lives will change for the better with you in it. The gang has given me a few comments and questions:
Diane- Picole, I miss you!!!
Elda- Hopes that you are fine and says have a nice time while your there.
Patty- I miss you and hope you are having a nice time. I went to the fair and had a great time. Peg got me new sneakers for my birthday. I colored leaves at seniors and cut them out. I hope to see you soon.
Don- We all miss you!! How are you doing?? How is the weather? When you have time send us a letter and some pitchers. Have you seen any elephants, or monkeys?
Alberta- I miss you and hope to see you in 2009!
Amy- I hope your having a good time, and I miss you. Stay safe and healthy. Hope you’re happy in the sunshine!
Bill- I miss you and hope you are fine!
Forrest – I miss you.
We are all good. We talk and think about you daily. Keep up the good work; the world will be changed because of youJ. Love your Wampsville Family!!