Tuesday, August 28, 2007

1st Blog!

Ok, so the idea of a blog didn't appeal to me at all when I was win the states, but after a couple of emails and a ton of questions, I think this will just be easier! (not that I don't love the emails, its just impossible for me to resond individually to everyones email. So here it is...my first blog. Sorry if there is some repeated information from my previous email.

2 1/2 weeks in Africa and so far so good! I am in a training class of 21 other people (was 22) ranging from 21 to 29 with 4 men and a married couple! Everyone is really nice and from all over the United States. Training is in a place called Luweero and we are all staying with host families where we really see the Uganadan culture first hand. Training is monday thru friday from 8-5 and then on saturday half days. It lasts for 10 weeks. The only day we technically have off is sunday, and im not even sure you can call it a day off. I spend the day with my family doing chores around the house includind laundry, cooking, mopping. I have been exhausted and sleeping very well!

My host family is great though and I can't complain at all. The parents are very liberal both teachers, the father works at a school in another district and is only home on the weekend. They have four biological children and 2 other kids live/work there. I actually just found out the that the one 15 year old boy is my mothers brother. Interesting. Anyways, their kids are 14 year old boy, 10 year old girl, 6 year old girl and 7 month old boy. The kids are all hard working and go to school, its nice because everyone is pretty fluent in English, so there is no communication barrier. The house is really nice too and completely surrounded by a big brick wall, very secure! It has electricity (which is only on part of the time b/c of inconsistency with Ugandan electricity) and marble flooring with really nice decorative ceilings. No running water and the 'bathroom' (hole in the ground) is outside. Oh the pit latrine...hopefully ill get used to that at some point within the next two years.

There definitely are culture differences here that im still adjusting to like the gender roles and the women doing all of the house work, being treated as a guest and having my food served to me, and everyone calling me 'Muzungu' - which is a term used to all white people. Its been interesting living in this culture and being immersed so quickly. My host family is very curious about America and all the 'convienences' we have. They asked me about the machines that wash our clothes, dishes and that cook our foods. My 10 year old sister even asked me that if a white person gets, cut do they still bleed? Its really crazy how humbling it make me feel.

So right now I am a PCT (peace corps trainee) and after the ten weeks of training there is a swearing in ceremony where I will become a PCV (peace corps volunteer)...hopefully. Once we are sworn in as PCV's we will all separate into our own villages and communities throughout Uganda to work on our areas of interest/expertise. They haven't told us too much about exactly what we will be doing or where we are going, but I do know that I am going towards the Eastern part of Uganda called Mbale where they speak Lumasaaba...the language I am currently trying to learn (ugh!) This past weekend I actually got to go away for the weekend and visit a current PCV to see how living on my own will really be. It was a really nice break from training and a great experience to see what life after training will be like. I spent the weekend with Gloria, she is an education volunteer in Mityana, about an hour west of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. She was awesome! She is a retired teacher from Washington state and had an awesome outlook on the world/peace corps. I really learned a lot about how it will be like living on my own in Uganda. Gloria's house had a living room, kitchen, storage room, 2 bedrooms, and a washroom. She decorated it so nice and it got me so excited to be able to buy cool African crafts and wall hangings for my house. There was no electricity in her house so when it was dark we used candles and lanterns to see. We played lots of cards and a cool game called Quiddler. I met other PCVs this weekend too and we all meet up in Kampala to have lunch at a Chinese restaurant. I dont even like chinese food, but this was soooo good! Kinda weird to have chinese food in africa, but still really good. Which brings me to the next issue...food. The food here is really boring. It mainly consists of starchy like foods like potatoes, matooke (mashed bananas), beans and vegetables. While I was staying with Gloria, we had some amazing food! We had pasta with homemade sauce from tomatoes, peppers, onions and garlic, popcorn, chocolate cake, stir fry vegetables, and no bake cookies!

Yesterday we received some more information about our future site organization and what type of work we will be doing, so that was really exciting! I am placed in the "general health promotion" group...which I am pleased with. The other 3 categories of groups were Orphans and Vunerable children, Home based Healthcare, and Water/Sanitation. Im really glad that Im not focused on anything really specific or a specific population, we will learn who our host organization is in week five and spend that week with them learning about the organization and how we can help.

Right now in training we are working on projects that we have to present to our fellow trainees and the trainers at the end of the 10 weeks. Its still in the preliminary stages, but right now I am looking at focusing on a womens group and preventable disease/how to prevent them. Im not really sure, but its a topic I guess. We also had a medical session this morning with more vaccines, I only had to get one this week...Typhoid, awesome. Many more still to come. My arm hurts and I'm kinda sick of writing. Hope everyone is well and leave me messages to let me know how america is!!


Unknown said...


I love your blog. What you are doing is incredibly interesting and I am looking forward to sharing your experience in Africa. The work you are doing is very important and it takes a brave and strong person to attempt it. So be safe and keep us posted, we love to hear about your adventure.

Love You,

Dan Parker

Anonymous said...

This is great - thanks for all the detail! It sounds like you are having a fabulous time with more to come. I loved the question about whether white people bleed. Wondering whether people who don't LOOK like us ARE like us seems to be a universal phenomenon, doesn't it?

All best,
Kathy Boone

Justine Tutuska said...

Jambo Muzungu!! (Sorry.. swahili is as close as I can get to your new language!) I am so incredibly proud of you!! Enjoy your experience... here's to your new journey! Wishing you well, Justine

Brian Schwartz said...

You rock! Everybody is so proud of your courage. Eat any bugs yet? Remember..."That which does not kill me makes me stronger." --Victor Frankl (and that Nietche dude).

Lauren Metzger said...

Hey Nicole! I am SO happy I was included on your email list (about the blog). I am so proud that people leave Daemen and go on to do some absolutely AMAZING things! Keep us up to date. I wouldn't mind learning a few phrases in a new language! I can't wait to read more!

lauren Metzger

LyndsParker said...

Hey Girly!

I am so glad you have the capability to use the internet! I still can't believe you are in Africa, it definitely takes a certain person to be able to sacrifice modern living to help people in other countries that need help. i am so proud of you and love ya so much! anyways, hope things comtinue to go well over there! w/b!

Love always,

Liz Rocker said...

Hi Nicole! This is such a great way to keep everyone posted! I ask you mom every Monday what the "Nicole" update is... and now I will know! Stay safe and learn lots- can't wait to hear about your adventures!!!!


anut patty ;) said...

Mulembe sweetie!!!
This is a great idea...also helps out when we don't get the Nicole updates from your Momma in a timely manner...LOL!! She is doing pretty well in that area, I must admit!!
Still planning to call you!! Maybe this Sunday-Jen & her boys are going to be home. Or I will just call you by my ownself..:)
Thanks for the info on the hours you are in training, etc. I was wondering about that too.
Keep the news coming...talk to you soon!!
Praying for your health & safety..XOXOXO anut & uncle jimbo

Grandma said...

What a clever girl you are to start this type of communication. I copied your info to share with friends and Hap's family-they all ask how you are doing. I'm curious about the mail situation. I've sent 3 cards-have you rec'd any yet? Your in my prayers every day-I marvel at your courage!! Love, Gram

Aunt Janie said...

Hey Nicole,
Your blog is a great idea and love the stories...keep them coming!! So glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying the experience so far. Hope you can find a house like the lady you visited. I am so proud of you!! Love and prayers, Aunt Janie xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Hi Nicole!
Haley and Mandy here!
We went on a web to see what it looks like there, I hope eventually you can send some pics of your point of view!
Love Haley and Mandy.

Tricia said...

Blogging is so 2007 ;) I'm glad you decided to make one ... I can't imagine trying to respond to every single e-mail (especially since you're hollywood and have 100000000 friends & family).
I'm SO proud of you!! And of course incredibly jealous! Can't wait to see the pictures of your house, family, and fellow Peace Core buddies.
Nothing too exciting is going on here in B-lo. School starts Tuesday (ugh). Everyone is slowly trickling back into town. Sommer will be home Friday. Nate, Mon & I painted our deck =)Monica & I also joined the gym!! We took a cycling class last night... ooooh baby does my rear end hurt!! We're going to have a BBQ Monday for labor day.... won't be the same without you and our photoshoots :(
I love you & miss you mucho mucho grande!!!! you take care of yourself missy.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
momma said...

Nicole, hi sweetie, this is my 3rd attempt to post a note. 3rd time is a charm. I should of been the 5th note poster, then the 8th, now look where I'm in the standing. 13th my least favorite #. Good thing you know I am your #1 fan. God Speed my girl, don't forget your angels. Love you bunches. Always, Yo Momma xooxxooxxxxoxoxoxxo

Fred Becke said...

Hi Nicole.
My name is Fre3d and I am an Australian . Your Aunt Kathy sent me your blog .
I was fascinated with the work you are doing.
Keep up the good work and I hope to read more in the future.
Thank you again for sharing your experience

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole,
I love reading your blog, and I am very happy for you, it sounds like you are having a lot of fun and learning more than what you expected. I hope you keep having fun, and keep writing cause I really like reading you blog.

Wish you the best,
Alicia Gomez